Tom Cassatt 8 1/2" x 11" Black & White Drawings. Choice of Tom Bigelow, Lynn Paxton, Duane Carter, Buster Warke, Gary Wolford, Ray Tilley, Mario Andretti, Jimmy McGuire, Tommy Hinnershitz, Bobby Adamson, Mike Mazaruk, Johnny Rutherford, Troy Ruttman, Len Duncan, Bill Schindler, Ted Horn, Bill Couse, Fred "Jiggs" Peters, Latimore Valley Speedway, Marty Himes, Williams Grove Speedway, Ed "Dutch" Schaefer, Ernie McCoy, Roy Richwine, Jud Larson, Bill "Red" Riegel, Jimmy Bryan, Johnny Thomson, Johnny Mann, Deb Snyder, Mitch Smith Call for availability
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